Jason Kerwin, University of Minnesota
Appointments: A More Effective Commitment Device for Health Behaviors
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Jay Pearson, Duke University
Bootstraps of Oppression: A Theoretical Framework of Structural Inequality in Policy Decision Making
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Jenna Nobles, University of Wisconsin Madison
How populations are shaped in the prenatal period
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Jennifer Johnson-Hanks, University of California Berkeley
Mortal conjunctures: Coronavirus and the end of American certainty
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Jennifer Karas Montez, Syracuse University
U.S. State Policy Contexts and the Risk of Death among Working-Age Adults
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Jennifer Roberts named to EPA's CHPAC committee
Children's Health and Protection Advisory Committee appointment runs through 2026
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Jere Behrman, University of Pennsylvania
Alternative Trajectories in Body Weight, Mental and Cognitive Health among Older Americans: Roles of Genetics and Earlier SES
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Jessica Fish and Bradley Boekeloo win Data Contract to Study LGBTQ Health Disparities
They are one of the four research groups chosen for the data contract
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Jessica Fish, UMD Family Science
Sexual minority population health inequities across the life course: Where do we go from here?
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Jogging While Black
Sociologist Rashawn Ray speaks out about the fears that keep many African Americans from exercising
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