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Roby on growth of boutique health care
New Tia Clinic provides supportive environment for reproductive health care, at a price
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Feinian Chen on CBS This Morning: Childcare in China
Childcare in China is a family affair; in U.S. such care varies by ethnic group
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Bhargava on population growth and environmental impact
"Unwanted fertility," especially in rural regions, should be top priority
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MacDorman on missing mortality rates
Hazards of childbirth persist in rich and poor nations
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Cohen on snowplow parenting
21st century parents are capable of trespassing ethical and legal boundaries to keep their children's future obstacle-free
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Marsh comments on the National Law Enforcement Museum failing
Former U.S. Presidents Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush were not enough to make the National Law Enforcement Museum a success
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Pope on how majors get chosen
Natural experiment at the U.S. Military Academy provides look at student decision making
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Cabrera on parent-child interactions
Overall, children tend to show more positive emotions during intrusive play with their fathers than with their mothers
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Christina Getrich releases "Border Brokers"
U.S.-born children of Mexican immigrant families develop resiliency and agency while bearing the scars of laws and policies
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Fenelon on life expectancy decline
The rise in drug overdoses and suicides is not the only factor that contributed to an "extraordinary" small three-year decline in American life expectancy rates
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