Katharine Abraham named to CBO panel of economic advisors
Congressional Budget Office panel provided specialized expertise
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Katharine Abraham named to National Academy of Sciences
"Seminal contributions to our understanding of key issues in labor economics, economic measurement, macroeconomics, and survey methodology" cited
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Kearney and Levine study identifies Sesame Street education boon
Effect pronounced for boys, African Americans, and children in disadvantaged areas
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Kearney and Turner propose changes to the tax code
Secondary earner tax deduction could make it easier for low-income families to work their way into the middle class
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Kearney cited in analysis of child poverty crisis
Support for families makes economic as well as social sense
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Kearney comments on cash payments regime for Christian Science Monitor story
Kearney-Pardue brief on COVID-19 social insurance payments
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Kearney comments on education effect at Fed conference
Student debt is a problem, yet benefits of a college degree are clear
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Kearney comments on income inequality for CNBC
People believing the system is rigged against them is not only damaging to Democracy but also to the functioning of the economy
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Kearney comments on potential help for poor families
Biden plan could make inroads on poverty
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Kearney comments on Universal Basic Income for children story
Wall Street Journal
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