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Grandparents caring for grandchildren in China
Faculty Associate Feinian Chen is wrapping up a five-year K01 project studying the role of grandparenting in China
Located in Research / Selected Research
Green participates in opioid problem study
WalletHub report analyzes opioid problems by state
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Green working to enhace Woodlawn Cohort dataset
New project would identify critical pivotal influences along the life course
Located in Research / Selected Research
Guiteras study finds that education alone is not sufficient to change unhealthy behaviors
Subsidies for latrine construction are key to reducing open defecation in Bangladesh
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Haltiwanger and Abraham comment on missing data
Surveys could be asking the wrong questions
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Haltiwanger Article on vacancies and hiring cited in the New York Times
Employers hesitant to hire, reports NYT's Catherine Rampell
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Haltiwanger comments on business formation in Bloomberg Quint
South shows surprising economic resiliance
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Haltiwanger comments on NYT small business report
Surge in small business creation underscored in Black communities
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Haltiwanger finds decline in high-tech startups
Census data shows fewer new businesses in the high-tech industry than in the past
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Haltiwanger interviewed for Brookings Institute Podcast
Faculty Associate John Haltiwanger appeared on the Brookings Podcast on Economic Activity to discuss his recent paper depicting a surge in new businesses.
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