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Dawn Marie Dow Releases "Mothering While Black"
Boundaries and burdens of middle-class black parenthood
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Marsh consulted on the opening of The National Law Enforcement Museum
Bridging the gap between law enforcement and the community
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Das Gupta contributes to Azerbaijan "National Action Plan" to ensure gender equality
Solving skewed sex ratio ameliorates social tensions, may bring economic benefits
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Sayer notes on Uber-like services for kids
Safe kids' rides for busy parents
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Abraham and Kearney examine employment-decline rates
Imports, robots seen as important factors
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Cabrera on low-income fathers' engagement with their children
Fathers' involvement promotes self-regulatory behaviors and healthy relationships
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Ray on the “Race, Prosperity, and Inclusion Initiative” at Brookings
Black males are most likely to be killed in police shootings in the US.
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Turner research featured on Morning Edition
College financial aid letters can provide a nudge toward borrowing, or not
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MacDorman comments on Maternal Mortality Rates
Rates of women dying during childbirth in the US have been unaccounted
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Fenelon comments on life expectancy rates for Marketplace
Zip codes can reveal a lot about people’s health
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