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Amanda Geller, New York University
Police Contact, Mental Health, and Health Disparities among Urban Teens
Located in Coming Up
Michael White, Brown University
Migration, Urbanization, and Health: Insights from South Africa
Located in Coming Up
Theodore Joyce, Baruch College
The Impact of Parental Involvement Laws on the Abortion Rate of Minors
Located in Coming Up
Uchechi Mitchell, University of Illinois at Chicago
When is Hope Enough? Hopefulness, Discrimination and Racial Disparities in Physiological Dysregulation
Located in Coming Up
Jessica Fish, UMD Family Science
Sexual minority population health inequities across the life course: Where do we go from here?
Located in Coming Up
Li Liu, Johns Hopkins University
Misclassification between stillbirths and neonatal deaths in low-income countries
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Yingchun Ji, MPRC Visiting Scholar and Shanghai University
Mingle Modernity with Tradition: Women Providing for the Elderly in Transitional China
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Michael Bader, American University and Visiting Scholar
Segregation in Place: Estimating the Contribution of White Flight to Racial Segregation in the 21st Century
Located in Coming Up
Amir Sapkota, Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health, School of Public Health
Climate Change and Impaired Population Health – Perspectives From Countries on Opposite Ends of the Economic Spectrum
Located in Coming Up
Sara Curran, University of Washington, Center for Studies in Demography & Ecology
Estimating Short- and Long-Term Effects on Population Change Resulting From Hurricane Exposure in U.S. Counties, 1970-2017
Located in Coming Up