Debating the Future of American Marriage
Stable marriage increasingly linked to socioeconomic privilege
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Rashawn Ray writes on structural racism and the AME church massacre
Huffington Post guest editorial outlines context for killings
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Department of Sociology Seminar: "3rd Annual William Form Alumni Lecture"
David Cotter, Union College
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Coming Up
Gender&Family Brownbag: Janet Gornick
CUNY and Luxembourg Income Study, Title TBA.
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Coming Up
Department of Sociology Seminar: "The Sociology Job Market at Liberal Arts Colleges"
Paul Dean, University of Maryland Graduate Program Colloquium
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Coming Up
Department of Sociology Seminar: "Consequentialist Climate Ethics"
Marco Grasso, Visiting Scholar, School of Public Policy, University of Maryland, Center for Society and Environment Workshop Series
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Coming Up
Department of Sociology Seminar: "Urban Water Pricing, Affordability and Social Heterogeneity: A Choice Modelling Approach"
Venkatesh Dutta, Visiting Scholar, School of Public Policy, University of Maryland, Center for Society and Environment Workshop Series
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Coming Up
Department of Sociology Seminar: "For the Family: How Class and Gender Shape Women's Work"
Sarah Damaske, Penn State
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Seminar Series: The Puzzle of Immigration and Population Projections (CANCELLED)
Karen Woodrow-Lafield, Research Professor, Maryland Population Research Center, University of Maryland
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Coming Up
Department of Sociology Seminar: "Theorizing the Web 2012 Conference"
Keynote Speakers: Andy Carvin of NPR and Zeynep Tufekci
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Coming Up