MPRC Special Workshop
Field Experiments in Population and Development
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Selena Ortiz, Penn State University
Public Beliefs about Housing Affordability as a Key Social Determinant of Health and its Impact on Support for Affordable Housing Policy
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Michael Bader, American University and Visiting Scholar
Segregation in Place: Estimating the Contribution of White Flight to Racial Segregation in the 21st Century
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Lucie Schmidt, Smith College
The Impact of Expanding Public Health Insurance on Safety Net Program Participation: Evidence from the ACA Medicaid Expansion
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Finding Economic Solutions for America
Faculty associate Katharine Abraham brings home experience from two years serving on the White House Council of Economic Advisors
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Selected Research
Affordable Care for All?
Faculty associate Jerome Dugan investigates the relationship between socioeconomic status, health insurance coverage, and affordable quality care
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Selected Research
Karabelle Pizzigati Initiative Lunch and Learn: Child Well-being with Dr. LaShawnda Kilgore from the Children's Defense Fund
The School of Public Policy presents: Karabelle Pizzigati Initiative Lunch and Learn: Child Well-being with Dr. LaShawnda Kilgore from the Children's Defense Fund
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