2024 Time Use Conference
Sponsored by NICHD, MPRC, Minnesota Population Center, and the Maryland Time Use Laboratory
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Wildfires and Child Health
Faculty Associate Michel Boudreaux leads an R01 to measure impact of increasing particulant pollution on child health
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Selected Research
Sarah K. Cowan, NYU
Estimating the Effect of a Universal Cash Transfer on Birth Outcomes
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Lauren Gaydosh, University of Texas - Austin
Early Life Course Exposure to Family Instability and Adult Health
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Susan Parker, School of Public Policy
Are Enrollment Gains From Conditional Cash Transfers Sustained After Program Rollback? Evidence From Mexico
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Steinberg investigates mental health impacts of abortion
Beyond the question of access to abortion lie the mental health impacts in cases of restricted access
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Elementary School Desegregation and Mid-Life Cognitive Function
Walsemann research identifies integrated early childhood education as factor for improved cognitive function for Black individuals
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Selected Research
State level structural racism and alcohol and tobacco use behaviors
New paper by Faculty Associate Kerry Green examines structural racism impacts among a national probability sample of Black Americans
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Selected Research
Richardson co-leads UMD initiative on gun violence
PROGRESS initiative joins UMD researchers with Maryland policy makers
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Inequities in childrens' exposure to neurotoxicants
Payne-Sturges' scoping review of the literature and recommendations to narrow health disparities
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Selected Research