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Abraham, Haltiwanger part of briefing for Treasury Secretary
Secretary Jacob J. Lew focuses not just on unemployment but on duration of unemployment.
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Frances Goldscheider honored by Stockholm University
Awarded honorary doctorate for contributions to Social Science
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Rashawn Ray profiled by Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
A member of RWJF Scholars in Health Research program
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Hofferth decries politicization of health care in Baltimore Sun Op-Ed
Calls statements by Eric Cantor and others a "red herring" to avoid uncomfortable policy questions
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Cohen contests birthrate decline thesis
Challenges are real but manageable; better to focus on the well being of those who are here.
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Cohen: How to Live in a World Where Marriage Is in Decline
As marriage rates continue to fall, policies that try to steer people into marriage through financial incentives are only hurting children
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Why Women Live Longer
Faculty Associate Philip Cohen points to male smoking habits as an important factor in understanding the relative longevity of women
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Philip Cohen Takes a Stand in Controversy Over Gay Parenting Study
Cohen calls for the resignation of the editor of Social Science Research after accusations of conflict of interest in the peer review process
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Rashawn Ray Interviewed in Relation to the Trayvon Martin Case
Long history of distrust of police and the legal system among black communities may have contributed to Rachel Jeantel's attitude on the witness stand at the Zimmerman trial
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Robinson Comments on Results of the American Time Use Survey
Despite economic turmoil, Americans' time use has not changed much since 2008
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