Econ Seminar: Scott Carrell, University of California Davis
The Impact of School Quality on Postsecondary Success: Evidence in the Era of Common Core
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Coming Up
Econ Seminar: Tim Bartik, Upjohn Institute
How Place-Based Jobs Policies Help Distressed Communities
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Coming Up
Finding Economic Solutions for America
Faculty associate Katharine Abraham brings home experience from two years serving on the White House Council of Economic Advisors
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Selected Research
Haltiwanger and Abraham comment on missing data
Surveys could be asking the wrong questions
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Haltiwanger-Abraham paper puts jobless rate measure in question
Job-to-job transfers have significant impact on labor market tightness measure
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Hard times in economic data collection call for innovative data sourcing
Katharine Abraham argues for the inclusion of private sector big data to bolster survey and administrative data and tap into new questions
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Selected Research
Katharine Abraham cited in safety net for unemployed in COVID-19 pandemic
The U.S. lags behind other developed countries relative to unemployment benefits, according to researchers in a new paper published by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
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Katharine Abraham cited in job sharing feature
Benefits of Work Sharing programs
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Katharine Abraham comments on economic data independence for CNBC
BLS and BEA's long held tradition of extreme independence prevents data manipulation from the Trump administration
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Katharine Abraham comments on gig workers in The New York Times
Rapid rise of gig workers not necessarily change the traditional labor market and economy
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