2016 Time Use Conference and Workshop
University of Maryland
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Sponsored Events
Time Use Across the Life Course
Sponsored by MPRC, NICHD, and the Maryland Time Use Laboratory
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Call for Applications - Workshop on 1965-2014 American and European Time Use Surveys
Call for Applications
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2016 Time Use Conference and Workshop
Perspectives on Time Use in the U.S.
Sponsored by MPRC, NICHD, Economic Research Service, the Minnesota Population Research Center, and the Maryland Time Use Laboratory
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Time Use Workshop Call for Applications
Sponsored by MPRC, NICHD, and the Minnesota Population Center
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Perspectives on Time Use in the U.S. Conference and Workshop
International Perspectives on Time Use
Sponsored by MPRC, NICHD, Economic Research Service, and IZA (Institute for the Study of Labor, Bonn, Germany)
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Sponsored Events
American Time Use Research Conference and Workshop
Conference June 25-26, 2009; Workshop, June 22-24, 2009
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Sponsored Events
American Time Use Survey Data Extract Builder (ATUS-X) and Conferences
The American Time Use Survey Data Extract Builder has been up and running for a number of years, and the research team has sponsored conferences in 2007, 2009, and 2011
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Selected Research
How Does the Amount of Time Mothers Spend with Children Matter?
Dr. Milkie's research helps to reshape cultural frames regarding maternal time and children's well being
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Selected Research
Time Use Data Access System
Sandra Hofferth continues Time Use project to extend data "backwards through time and geographically across countries"
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Selected Research