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Econ Seminar: Gaurav Khanna, University of California San Diego
Spatial Mobility, Economic Opportunity, and Crime
Located in Coming Up
Econ Seminar: Imran Rasul, University College London
The Social Structure of Villages and the Delivery of Development Interventions
Located in Coming Up
Rashawn Ray leads Anti-Black Racism Initiative
BSOS College project continues and augments established racism research
Located in News
Lewin, Roy research featured in NPR story
Adultification affecting minority children faced with hard choices
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Examining and Addressing COVID-19 Racial Disparities in Detroit
Governance Studies at Brookings paper
Located in Research / Selected Research
COVID business bump a matter of 'magnitude, not direction'
Downturns generally see new business creation
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Kearney NY Times Op-Ed examines 'baby bust'
300,000 fewer births will have long-term impact
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Using Big Data to measure discrimination impacts on birth outcomes
New National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities grant
Located in Research / Selected Research
Haltiwanger job data support CNBC story
Millennials and Gen Z workers are changing positions a bit more frequently
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Melissa Kearney outlines child poverty response
Plan could virtually end child poverty
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