Desai article links caste to social outcomes in India
Cited in WSJ IndiaRealTime blog
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Desai comments on India census challenges
Citizenship policies imperil data gathering
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Desai contributes to examination of Indian social support framework
COVID-19 shutdowns tested the Indian support regime and revealed opportunities for adjustment
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Desai editorial details decline in Indian women's employment
Flags a squandered 'gender dividend'
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Desai leads establishment of National Data Innovation Centre in New Delhi
Far-reaching program will stimulate research, support graduate student development in India and U.S.
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Selected Research
Desai on Indian educated women’s paradox
Education is not paying off to better job opportunities, marriage prospects, or freedom to choose for women in India
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Desai Op-Ed cites need to rethink social safety nets
A society in transition must change its approach to poverty from one established decades back
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Desai: Overall Stagnation in India's Progress Toward Gender Equality
Remarkable achievements in school enrollment and hospital delivery options canceled out by backsliding in employment rates and declining sex ratios
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Developing Nations: "Our Pollution is Your Consumption"
MPRC Faculty Associate Klaus Hubacek demonstrates how material consumption in rich countries is fueled by pollution and environmental destruction in the developing world
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Selected Research
Director Michael S. Rendall speaks to Yale Demography Workshop
Contributes to Distinguished Speaker Series, 2013-14
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