Language Votes: Foreign Language (FL) Policy Attitudes and the 2008 Electorate
John P. Robinson, University of Maryland; William Rivers, Integrated Technical Solutions; Paul Harwood, University of North Florida; 2012-004
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Working Papers
WP Documents
Daily Life among American Immigrants
John P. Robinson, University of Maryland, et al.; 2012-005
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Working Papers
WP Documents
Occupational Differences in Estimates of Time at Work
John P. Robinson, University of Maryland; Jonathan Gershuny, University of Oxford; 2012-006
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Working Papers
WP Documents
Deciphering Trends in American Volunteering
John P. Robinson, University of Maryland; David Horton Smith, Boston College; 2012-007
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Working Papers
WP Documents
Stress, Mental Health, Marriage and Parenthood: Trends, Correlates, and Consequences
John Robinson and Melissa Milkie, Sociology
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Seed Grant Program
Seed Grants Awarded