CRGE Series - The Qualitative Research Interest Group (QRIG)
Movements and Structural Inequalities: Race, Ideologies and Practices
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Coming Up
David Haines, Professor of Anthropology, George Mason University
Anthropology and Migration Studies: The Policy Trajectory
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Coming Up
Denise Brennan, Associate Professor and Chair of Anthropology, Georgetown University
Life Interrupted: Trafficking into Forced Labor in the United States
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Coming Up
Health Care Experiences of Black Transgender Women and Men Who Have Sex With Men
Black sexual and gender minorities (SGM) are at greater risk for HIV compared to their White, cisgender, heterosexual counterparts. Linkage to culturally sensitive health care is, therefore, pivotal for HIV prevention and treatment of Black SGM. Unfortunately, social and structural challenges undermine Black SGM individuals' abilities to obtain adequate health care services, indicating a need to understand Black SGM perceptions of health care. To address this gap, we interviewed Black men who have sex with men and transwomen about their experiences with health care providers. Participants discussed needs and concerns, including provider SGM identity diversity and education; assumptions, judgment, stigma, and discrimination; and ability to establish a personal bond, trust, and familiarity. Black SGM indicated that providers often did not meet their needs in different ways regarding their SGM identities. Findings suggest a need for provider cultural sensitivity education programs that address the needs of Black SGM in health care.
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MPRC People
Typhanye Vielka Dyer, Ph.D., MPH
Typhanye Vielka Dyer Publications
Im/migrant Health during Anti-Immigrant Times: Using Ethnography to Document Experiences of Mobile Populations in the US Southeast
Thurka Sangaramoorthy, Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Maryland
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Martin Ford, Associate Director, Maryland Office for Refugees and Asylees
How Domestic Refugee Resettlement works Refugee Resettlement and American Immigration as Seen by an Erstwhile Anthropologist
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Respect Yourself, Protect Yourself: Latina girls and sexual identity
Dr. Lorena Garcia, Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago
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Seminar Series: Panel Discussion - Hofferth, Cabrera
Presenters: Sandra L. Hofferth, Director, Maryland Population Research Center and Professor, Department of Family Science; Natasha Cabrera, Director, Family Involvement Laboratory and Associate Professor, Department of Human Development, University of Maryland
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Coming Up