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Payne-Sturges calls for cumulative impact assessments in Michigan
Health focused pollution regulations could protect Michiganders' health
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Rashawn Ray disputes Trump "Black jobs" claim
Ray condemns Trump's "Black jobs" claim, citing systemic inequality
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Despite pandemic challenges, poverty in India declines
Wave 3 of the IHDS complete, showing a decrease in poverty
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SPH launches new Department of Global, Environmental, and Occupational Health
New department replaces the Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health (MIAEH)
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Lifetime achievements of Partha Lahiri celebrated internationally
Partha Lahiri honored internationally for exceptional statistical research contributions
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Carter: "People do still have power"
In light of rapid issuing of executive orders Niambi Carter emphasizes the importance of state and local elections
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Cohen research notes marriage rate and divorce level shift
Faculty Associate Philip Cohen analyzed declining divorce rates for not-college-educated in recent years
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Assortative Mating and Autism Spectrum Disorder
New seed grant project headed by Judith Hellerstein investigates the causes of the rise in autism diagnoses
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