Causal Effects of Economic Conditions on Family Formation: Evidence from the Fracking Boom
Melissa Kearney aims to determine the influence of economic prospects on family formation among less educated men
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Seed Grant Program
Seed Grants Awarded
Cohen notes complex decision-making around pregnancy
COVID-19 "baby bust" will have long term effects
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Cutting Funding for Food Stamps is "Economically and Morally Unsound"
Washington Post Op-Ed piece makes case for retaining food stamp support
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Do Lottery Payments Induce Savings Behavior? Evidence from the Lab
Melissa Kearney, University of Maryland, et al. // Keywords: prize linked savings, lotteries, risk preferences, Prelec weighting; 2013-013
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Working Papers
WP Documents
Econ Seminar : Janice Eberly, Kellogg School of Management
Investing in Innovation: Models and Measurement with Intangible Capital
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Coming Up
Exploring the culture of despair
Faculty Associate Melissa Kearney and Philip B. Levine find that inequality trumps location in predicting early childbearing out of wedlock
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Selected Research
For Low-Wage Workers, Two Incomes Are Not Much Better Than One
Kearney and Turner argue that the current tax code puts an unfair burden on low-income families with two earners
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Income inequality and adolescent 'drop out' behaviors
Melissa Kearney, Economics, plans to expand research into the relationship between income inequality and birth decisions by low-income women
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Seed Grant Program
Seed Grants Awarded
Inequality and Teenage "Drop Out" Behaviors
Melissa Kearney and colleagues examine a hypothetical "desperation" effect on economically disadvantaged students through a grant funded by the Smith Richardson Foundation
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Selected Research
Kearney and Levine study identifies Sesame Street education boon
Effect pronounced for boys, African Americans, and children in disadvantaged areas
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