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Abraham, Haltiwanger part of briefing for Treasury Secretary
Secretary Jacob J. Lew focuses not just on unemployment but on duration of unemployment.
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Techreport ReferenceAugmenting the LBD with Firm-Level Revenue
This document describes the data contained in the firm level revenue-augmented Longitudinal Business Database (RE-LBD) and provides background on the construction of the data. The revenue-augmented LBD is a firm level data created by adding revenue data from the detailed tax receipts variables contained in the Standard Statistical Establishment List (SSEL) and the Business Register (BR). Key variables for the construction of the revenue variable include the FIRMID identifying the firm, revenue measures collected from income tax filings, industry classification codes detailing the activities of the employer, the legal form of organization and the year associated with that filing. The RE-LBD starts in year 1997 and ends in 2015.
Located in MPRC People / John Haltiwanger, Ph.D. / John Haltiwanger Publications
Business Formation: A Tale of Two Recessions
Working paper by John Haltiwanger, with Ermin Dinlersoz, Timothy Dunne, and Veronika Penciakova
Located in Research / Selected Research
COVID business bump a matter of 'magnitude, not direction'
Downturns generally see new business creation
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Haltiwanger and Abraham comment on missing data
Surveys could be asking the wrong questions
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Haltiwanger Article on vacancies and hiring cited in the New York Times
Employers hesitant to hire, reports NYT's Catherine Rampell
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Haltiwanger comments on business formation in Bloomberg Quint
South shows surprising economic resiliance
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Haltiwanger comments on NYT small business report
Surge in small business creation underscored in Black communities
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Haltiwanger job creation article cited in Bloomberg News
record keeping reference
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Haltiwanger paper contributes to job creation debate
Lack of new startups hurts job growth and competition
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