Steinberg cited in Scientific American article
What costs are associated with being denied access to abortion ?
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Steinberg examines role of depression in unintended pregnancy
University of Maryland Tier One grant funds research
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Selected Research
Steinberg investigates mental health impacts of abortion
Beyond the question of access to abortion lie the mental health impacts in cases of restricted access
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Steinberg study contradicts long-standing 'link' between abortion and suicide
Equivalent risk before and after abortion
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Stephen Gilman, NICHD
The developmental origins of disparities in common mental disorders
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Coming Up
Steven Haas, Penn State University
The Long-Arm of Conflict: How Timing Shapes the Long-term Impacts of Childhood Exposure to War
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Coming Up
Susan Parker, CIDE (Mexico)
Can conditional transfers reduce poverty of the next generation? Evidence from young adults after 15 years of a Mexican program
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Suzanne Bell, Johns Hopkins University
National and state-specific estimates of the unequal impacts of the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision on fertility in the US
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Coming Up
Taylor Hargrove, University of North Carolina
Health Contextualized: Inequalities in Physiological Function at the Intersection of Race, Skin Color, and Place
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Coming Up
Teen Mothers’ Family Support and Adult Identity in the Emerging Adulthood: Implications for Socioeconomic Attainment Later in Life
We examined the prospective role of parental support and adult identity profiles in the transition to adulthood on teen mothers’ socioeconomic outcomes in adulthood. Analyses were based on the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, a nationally representative sample of youth followed over a decade. We used data from Waves 1, 3, and 4 (mean age = 28.6, Wave 4). Analytical sample consisted of 981 females who gave birth before age 20. Analysis included design-based regression models. Findings from adjusted regression models showed no statistically significant associations between teen mothers’ parental support and socioeconomic outcomes. While teen mothers have already achieved an important marker of adulthood, variability in adult identity profiles was observed. Teen mothers with older subjective age, regardless of their levels of psychosocial maturation, had higher socioeconomic attainment on some indicators. Findings suggest that teen mothers’ adult identity profiles differentiate their socioeconomic trajectories later in life.
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MPRC People
Kerry Green, Ph.D.
Kerry Green Publications