Maternal Age and Infant Mortality for White, Black, and Mexican Mothers in the United States
Philip N. Cohen, University of Maryland; 2015-014
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Retrospective Reporting of First Employment in the Life Courses of U.S. Women
Michael S. Rendall and Rachel Shattuck, University of Maryland; 2015-015
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Does it Matter if She’d Rather Marry? The Role of Individual Preferences in Young Women’s Likelihood of a Nonmarital First Birth
Rachel Shattuck, University of Maryland; 2015-016
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The Gender Revolution and the Second Demographic Transition: Understanding Recent Family Trends in Industrialized Societies
Frances Goldscheider, University of Maryland; 2014-001
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Children’s Schooling in Latin America and the Caribbean: The Role of Mothers, Fathers, and Others in the Household
Laurie DeRose, University of Maryland, et al.; 2014-008
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Household Structure and School Attendance in 57 Countries: Why Children with Absent Fathers Do Better in Some Places
Laurie DeRose, University of Maryland; 2014-010
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Union Instability and Children’s Behavioral Problems: A Mediation and Moderation Approach
Natasha Cabrera and Elizabeth Karberg, University of Maryland; 2014-012
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"Missing Girls" in China and India: trends and policy impacts
Monica Das Gupta, University of Maryland; Guo Zhen, Xi'an Jiaotong University; Li Shuzhuo, Xi'an Jiaotong University; 2013-001
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Parenthood and Leaving Home in Young Adulthood
Frances Goldscheider, University of Maryland // Keywords: Nestleaving, parent-child relationships, parenthood, transition to adulthood; 2013-007
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Education, Birth Order, and Family Size
Sergio Urzua, University of Maryland, et al.; 2013-016
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