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Race / Ethnic Differentials in the Health Implications of Grandparents Caring for Grandchildren,
Faculty Associate Feinian Chen studies health implications for grandparents caring for grandchildren
Located in Research / Selected Research
Social Trends and Social Change in the United States: Impacts on Army Manpower; Personnel and Operations
Faculty Associate David Segal oversees research into the impact of social change on the military
Located in Research / Selected Research
The Effects of Changes in Medicaid Physician Fees on the Use of Preventative Care
Faculty Associate Karoline Mortensen to model effects of Affordable Care Act on Medicaid enrollees
Located in Research / Selected Research
Asian American Liver Cancer Education Program in Maryland
Faculty Associate Sunmin Lee is wrapping up a four-year grant evaluating the effectiveness of educational intervention on disease awareness
Located in Research / Selected Research
Macroeconomic Conditions and Marital Dissolution
Faculty Associate Melissa Kearney explores marriage markets through an R03 with North Carolina State University
Located in Research / Selected Research
Grandparents caring for grandchildren in China
Faculty Associate Feinian Chen is wrapping up a five-year K01 project studying the role of grandparenting in China
Located in Research / Selected Research
Low-Income Fathers' Linguistic Influence on their Children's' Language Development
Faculty Associate Natasha Cabrera begins work on the effects of speech on children
Located in Research / Selected Research
Penalties for Paid and Unpaid Care Work
Faculty Associate Joan Kahn studies children's health under grant from the Russell Sage Foundation
Located in Research / Selected Research
Forum on the Black Population
Odis Johnson contributes to U.S. Census / Urban League forum at BET studios in Washington DC
Located in Coming Up
File PDF documentNewsletter, Fall 2011
Located in About the Center / Newsletters