Madhavan paper featured on Power Talk podcast
MPRC Alumni Tyler Myroniuk interviewed
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Sonalde Desai named AAAS Fellow
Lifetime appointment celebrates Prof. Desai's work
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Built environment features mediate the relationship between neighborhoods' racial and ethnic composition and health outcomes
Quynh Nguyen and colleagues investigate this using Google Maps data
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Selected Research
Rendall comments on the future of fertility trends in the United States
MPRC Director Michael Rendall featured on NBC News
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Local violence accelerates cohabiting union transitions among disadvantaged women
Mónica Caudillo investigates this using national survey data from Mexico
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Selected Research
Congress must protect DACA receipients, Getrich argues
New opinion piece in The Hill
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Expectations for male provision and women's sexual health risks in sub-Saharan Africa
Stoebenau took a mixed-methods approach to develop the Gender Role and Male Provision Expectation scale
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Selected Research
Jennifer Roberts named to EPA's CHPAC committee
Children's Health and Protection Advisory Committee appointment runs through 2026
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Sonalde Desai appointed to National Academies of Science committee
Women’s Empowerment, Population Dynamics, and Socioeconomic Development
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Emotional well-being in South African migrants
Effects of migration on Black South Africans' mental health
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Selected Research