Rashawn Ray comments on policies for Black Americans in Trump administration
Many Black Americans disagree with the President's claim to "have done more for Black Americans than anybody"
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Philip Cohen comments on political love gap
The number of people who are looking for a partner but believe it’s not possible to date a person of the opposite political affiliation has risen.
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Philip Cohen cited in health policy and public response for COVID
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Sacoby Wilson cited in environmental justice and green COVID-19 recovery
The disparities of infections on essential workers and communities of color reinforce how any climate plan must focus on equity.
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Madhavan leads team to study kinship effects
Five-year R01 project will examine kin relationships in Nairobi, Kenya
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Sacoby Wilson cited in housing and health issue
Housing is a social determinant of health
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Katharine Abraham cited in job sharing feature
Benefits of Work Sharing programs
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Rashawn Ray interviewed about restructuring the police
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Rashawn Ray appears in NPR radio show 1A
Nationwide program focused on race and police issues
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Desai, Chen research on Fathers' migration in Demographic Research
Examines nutritional impact of father outmigration
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