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"Rosie" learns Spanish: The AI-powered chatbox bridging disparities in maternal and infant health
Nguyen and Aparicio receive $200k from NIH to expand access to healthcare information
Located in Research / Selected Research
Victimization and minority stress in first-gen Latinx immigrant adolescents
Getrich, Fish, Fryer, and Boekeloo team up to examine risk and protective factors for suicidality
Located in Research / Selected Research
State level structural racism and alcohol and tobacco use behaviors
New paper by Faculty Associate Kerry Green examines structural racism impacts among a national probability sample of Black Americans
Located in Research / Selected Research
Elementary School Desegregation and Mid-Life Cognitive Function
Walsemann research identifies integrated early childhood education as factor for improved cognitive function for Black individuals
Located in Research / Selected Research
Wildfires and Child Health
Faculty Associate Michel Boudreaux leads an R01 to measure impact of increasing particulant pollution on child health
Located in Research / Selected Research
Dyadic patterns in childbirth intention
Monica Caudillo, with MPRC affiliate colleagues, uses National Survey of Family Growth Data for Population Research and Policy Review article
Located in Research / Selected Research
Medication and procedural abortions before 13 weeks gestation and risk of psychiatric disorders
Faculty Associate Julia Steinberg and colleaguse set out to test risks associated with having a medication or procedural abortion prior to 13 weeks of pregnancy
Located in Research / Selected Research
The built environment and traffic collisions in the United States
Quynh Nguyen and Thu Nguyen examine how built environment features affect U.S. traffic collisions
Located in Research / Selected Research
Educational and economic gains from expanding computer science courses in Maryland
Maryland study shows that computer science courses boost degrees and early career earnings
Located in Research / Selected Research
Improving mental health for older adults
Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) could reduce health disparities
Located in Research / Selected Research