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Forum: Race, Migration, and Representation
Featured speakers include: Jonathan Inda, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Latino Studies; Christine So, Georgetown University, English and American Studies; Erin Chung, John Hopkins University, Political Science Commentator: Andrew Mayton, UMD English and Asian American Studies Undergraduate
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Measuring Race and the Census: New Directions
Nicholas Jones, Chief of Racial Statistics Branch, U.S. Department of the Census
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Academic Achievement: It's Not So Black and White
Karl L. Alexender, John Dewey Professor & Chair of Sociology, Johns Hopkins University, Patricia Hill Collins, Distinguished University Professor of Sociology, University of Maryland, Angel Harris, Associate Professor of Sociology, Princeton University, Michelle Espino, Assistant Professor of Counseling and Personnel Services, University of Maryland, Odis Johnson, Assistant Professor of African American Studies, University of Maryland
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Life Histories of Immigrants in PG County
Immigrants Share their Experiences: A Conversation Hosted by Students in "Creating Museums of the Immigrant Experience" course at the University of Maryland
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Department of Geographical Sciences: Human Dimensions of Global Change Seminar Series
Kenneth A. Frank, Professor, Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology and Special Education, and Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State University, East Lansging
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Department of Economics Seminar: Labor/Public Finance/Development
Eliana La Ferrara, Bocconi University
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Department of Economics Seminar: Labor/Public Finance/Development
Giorgio Topa, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
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Department of Economics Seminar: Labor/Public Finance/Development
Seth Sanders, Duke University
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Social and Demographic Disparities in Displacement from and Return to New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina: Short-Term and Long-Term Findings
Michael Rendall, Professor of Sociology and Director of MPRC at the University of Maryland
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Department of Economics Seminar: Labor/Public Finance/Development
Joseph Doyle, MIT
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