Investigating Determinants of Educational Attainment and Achievement in Mexico
NSF award funds collaboration between scholars at the University of Maryland and the University of Pennsylvania to study the effects of supply-side and demand-side policies
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Selected Research
Kearney and Levine study identifies Sesame Street education boon
Effect pronounced for boys, African Americans, and children in disadvantaged areas
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Loans for Higher Education: Does the Dream Come True?
Sergio Urzua, University of Maryland; Tomás Rau, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; Eugenio Rojas, Chilean Budget Office; 2013-017
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Working Papers
WP Documents
Low-Touch Attempts to Improve Time Management among Traditional and Online College Students
We evaluate two low-cost college support programs designed to target poor time management, a common challenge among many undergraduates. We experimentally evaluate the programs across three distinct colleges, randomly assigning more than 9,000 students to construct a weekly schedule in an online planning module and to receive weekly study reminders or coach consultation via text message. Despite high participation and engagement, and treated students at two sites marginally increasing study time, we estimate precise null effects on student credit accumulation, course grades, and retention at each site for the full sample and for multiple subgroups. The results and other supplemental evidence suggest that low-touch programs that offer scheduling assistance, encouragement, and reminders for studying lack the required scope to significantly affect academic outcomes.
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MPRC People
Nolan Pope, Ph.D.
Nolan Pope Publications
Migration, Assimilation, and Social Welfare
This chapter reviews the theoretical perspectives used to understand immigrant assimilation, the challenges to studying assimilation and current research on diverse immigrant origins and across diverse locations of settlement. The authors review recent research on the integration and involvement of immigrants and their descendants into several key structural domains: education, labor markets and residential patterns. This review also focuses on variations in these outcomes among immigrants and their descendants in diverse contexts and policy regimes with cross-national comparisons from several immigrant receiving countries. Understanding how immigrants fare and the extent to which their children and grandchildren succeed requires an examination of immigrant characteristics, the migration process and the changes that occur in the context of reception.
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MPRC People
Julie Park, Ph.D.
Julie Park Publications
Moussa Blimpo, World Bank
Scaling Up School Readiness: Experimental Evidence from The Gambia
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Coming Up
Nolan Pope, Economics UMD
Timing is Everything: Evidence from College Major Decisions
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Coming Up
Odis Johnson quoted in the Washington Post
Schools for English-language learners may help close the achievement gap in Prince George’s County
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Race, Gender, and Educational Achievement
Odis Johnson investigates how social issues affect education
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Selected Research
Seminar: Julia Burdick-Will - Johns Hopkins University
Structured Instability: School Mobility in Baltimore City and its Inner Suburb
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Coming Up