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Roberto Korzeniewicz Publications

This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 22 references in this bibliography folder.

Korzeniewicz, R (forthcoming,2013).
Desigualdade de renda mundial: uma perspectiva crítica
In: O Brasil e o Capitalismo Histórico: Passado e Presente na Análise de Sistemas-Mundo, ed. by P. Vieira, R. Vieira & F. Filomeno, São Paulo: EdUNESP.

Korzeniewicz, RP and Moran, TP (2014).
Economic Inequality, Stratification and Mobility
In: The World is Out of Joint: World-Historical Interpretations of Continuing Polarizations, ed. by Immanuel Wallerstein, chap. 3, Paradigm Publishers, Boulder, CO.

Korzeniewicz, RP (2013).
Desigualdades mundiais de renda: em direção a uma perspectiva crítica
In: O Brasil e o Capitalismo Histórico: Passado e Presente na Análise dos Sistemas-Mundo, ed. by P Vieira, R Vieira & F Filomeno. Cultura Academica Editora, São Paulo, SP, chap. *, pp. 139-168.

Albrecht, S and Korzeniewicz, RP (2012).
Globalization and Inequality
In: Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization, ed. by G. Ritzer. Blackwell Publishing, New York, chap. *, pp. *.

Korzeniewicz, R (2012).
Review Essay: Inequality in Latin America and the Quandary of Clientelism
2012, 47(3):191-200.

Korzeniewicz, R (2012).
Trends in World Income Inequality and the 'Emerging Middle'
European Journal of Development Studies, 24(2):205-222.

Korzeniewicz, R and Albrecht, S (2012).
Thinking Globally About Inequality and Stratification: Wages Across the World, 1982-2009
International Journal of Comparative Sociology:tba.

Korzeniewicz, R and Moran, T (2010).
Rethinking Inequality from a World-Historical Perspective
In: Inequality Beyond Globalization: Economic Changes, Social Transformations, and the Dynamics of Inequality, ed. by C. Suter, pp. 12-48, Lit Verlag, Zurich.

Korzeniewicz, RP and Casullo, M (2009).
Responding to Disaster: Two Logics of Demands and the Politics of Hybridity
Social Movement Studies, 8:95-114.

Korzeniewicz, RP and Moran, TP (2009).
Unveiling Inequality: A World-Historical Perspective
New York: The Russell Sage Foundation.

Korzeniewicz, RP and Casullo, M (2007).
Protesters, Participants and Politicians: Civil Society and Democratization in Latin America
In: Civil Society: Local and Regional Responses to Global Challenges, ed. by M. Herkenrath. Zurich and Berlin: Lit Verlag, chap. na, pp. 217-251.

Korzeniewicz, RP and Moran, TP (2007).
World Inequality in the Twenty-First Century: Patterns and Tendencies
In: G. Ritzer, ed. by The Blackwell Companion to Globalization. Oxford: Blackwell, chap. na, pp. 565-592.

Korzeniewicz, RP and Moran, T (2005).
Theorizing the Relationship Between Inequality and Economic Growth
Theory and Society, 34:277-316.

Korzeniewicz, RP and Smith, W (2005).
Transnational Civil Society Actors and Regional Governance in the Americas: Elite Projects and Collective Action from Below
In: Regionalism and Governance in the Americas Continental Drift, ed. by L. Fawcett, M. Serrano. London: Palgrave Press, chap. na, pp. 135-157.

Korzeniewicz, RP and Smith, WC (2004).
Redes regionales y movimientos sociales transnacionales: patrones emergentes de colaboración y conflicto en las Américas
América Latina Hoy — Revista de Ciencias Sociales (Instituto de Estudios de Iberoamérica y Portugal, Universidad de Salamanca), 36:101-139.

Korzeniewicz, RP, Stach, A, Patil, V, and Moran, T (2004).
Measuring National Income: A Critical Assessment
Comparative Studies in Society and History, 46(3):535-586.

Korzeniewicz, RP and Smith, W (2003).
Las redes transnacionales de la sociedad civil: entre la protesta y la colaboración
In: El ALCA y las Cumbres de las Américas:¿Una nueva relación público-privada?, ed. by D. Tussie, M. Botto. Buenos Aires: Editorial Biblos, chap. na, pp. na.

Korzeniewicz, RP, Stach, A, and Moran, T (2003).
Trends in Inequality: Towards A World-Systems Analysis
In: Globalization and Society: Processes of Differentiation Examined, ed. by R. Breton, J.G. Reitz. Westport: Greenwood Press, chap. na, pp. 13-36.

Korzeniewicz, RP and Smith, W (2002).
Redes Transnacionales, diplomacia ciudadana y proyectos de integración económica en las Américas
In: Entre la confrontación y el diálogo: Integración regional y diplomacia ciudadana, ed. by A. Serbin. Buenos Aires: Siglo Veintiuno Editores, chap. na, pp. 33-46.

Korzeniewicz, RP, Stach, A, Consiglio, D, and Moran, T (2002).
Some Initial Empirical Observations on Inequality in the World-Economy
In: The Modern/Colonial/Capitalist World-System in the Twentieth Century, ed. by R. Grosfoguel, A.M. Cervates-Rodríguez. Westport: Greenwood, chap. na, pp. 33-46.

Forsythe, N, Korzeniewicz, R, and Durrant, V (2000).
Gender Inequalities and Economic Growth: A Longitudinal Evaluation
Economic Development and Cultural Change, 48:573-617.

Korzeniewicz, R and Moran, T (2000).
Measuring World Income Inequalities
American Journal of Sociology, 106:209-14.

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